Monday, December 30, 2019
Customer Service Policy Refund Policy - 1879 Words
Group Assignment Contribution – Refund Policy As part of the group work, my contribution is the â€Å"Refund Policy†and how it works as one customer service policy. A refund policy of a business is that details how a member of staff will/must handle irate customers who for some reasons want a refund for goods or services purchased or who want some questions answered on a particular product that they have bought and used. 1.1 / 1.2 Every business has a mission to be able to achieve great customer satisfaction and generate good income level. Apart from achieving customer service, a business might put in place a customer service policy to monitor staff performance within the business as well to identify training for members of staff. In order to achieve this, the business design policies and procedures that will help generate direction to best serve its customers. These policies would normally be a code of conduct that staff must follow when serving customers. The customer service policy may include how to deal with an irate customer who for some reasons want a refund for goods or services purchased or who want some questions answered. Researching the customer service policy of Travelodge, it has a long list of items that stipulates how customers are to be served for the betterment of the hotel. The policy is designed in such a way that it suits both the business and the customers. Amongst the policies covered by Travelodge customer service booklet include; †¢ Contract betweenShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service Policies1108 Words  | 5 Pages CUSTOMER SERVICE Submitted by Florentina Mihaela Badea ID Number: 21056 TABLE OF CONTENTS : 1) Customer Service Policy...................................................................... 2) Reasons for Customer Service Policy............................................... 3) Conclusion.........................................................Read MoreUnit 311598 Words  | 7 Pagessell more goods to the same customers if a large variety of goods are presented than to sell the same kind of goods to many customers, Primark follows this principal acting as universal suppliers. Advantages of department stores like Primark: Shopping convenience: They allow customers to purchase all their goods under one roof instead of purchases different goods from different stores, this is a convenience to both customers and Primark as it saves the customers time and saves Primark timeRead MoreEvaluation Of Customer Service Plan1512 Words  | 7 Pagesevaluation of customer care strategy. I decided to do my report on Turkish Airlines because I had experienced their customer service and purchased products from them several times. Customer Service Plan Turkish Airlines values all of its customers and is continually working to improve its services and to offer the safest and most comfortable trip to every customer. The following Customer Service Plan provides a summary of the actions taken by Turkish Airlines to assist its customers. This Customer ServiceRead More Customer Needs Essay1402 Words  | 6 PagesCustomer Needs In order to satisfy customers and to gain repeat business, it is essential that Morrisons satisfies their customer’s needs. Morrisons do this by providing the best customer service possible and offering customers with their wants and needs. By providing the best services for customers will align to high profits and a well-known and liked business for Morrisons. This will gain customer loyalty and ensure that they shop repeatedly at Morrisons. The different customer’sRead MoreThe Customer Service Department of a Business Essay1342 Words  | 6 PagesThe Customer Service Department of a Business Customer service, a department within a company, which tries to ensure that customers are happy, both with the goods or the service the business/company is providing, also the manner in which the manner they are served by employees and the company approach towards them. All businesses need customers to buy their products and services. In order to do this companys and businesses must treat customers respectively so thatllRead MoreCincom Systems: Business Analysis755 Words  | 3 Pagesproduct divisions, the largest being the Acquire Division, which specializes in enterprise software for streamlining the Configure, Price Quote (CPQ) processes in complex manufacturing companies. The adjustments, returns and refunds discussed in this analysis are based on the policies and strategies of the Acquire Division of Cincom Systems. The organizations MISSION (what business it is in or what it is supposed to do). The mission of the Acquire Division of Cincom Systems is to create, market andRead MoreCase Study : Employee And Manager881 Words  | 4 Pageshis manager are presented with an unruly customer whose request is in violation of company policy. Austin, the employee, does his best to politely explain to the customer why he cannot fulfill their request. Once Suzette, the customer, begins to make a scene, Austin’s manager gets involved. Phil, Austin’s manager, resolves the situation by complying with Suzette’s request. After the exchange, Suzette is now satisfied while Austin is angry. Although the customer was happy, both Austin and Phil couldRead MoreCancellation And Returns : Adi Readymade Centre Pvt. Ltd.896 Words  | 4 Pagescommitted to providing its customers complete satisfaction. We strive to enhance the shopping experience of the customers, while providing the best quality products and services. We believe in keeping our customers happy. Our customer f riendly return policies are created by keeping you in mind and we ensure you that you will be satisfied and never disappointed with these steps. However, it is always an unfortunate situation when you may have to return a product for refund or replacement, but an easyRead MoreCase Study : Automatic Price Protection Introduced By Tweeter1145 Words  | 5 Pages†¢ This report is written to determine whether Automatic Price Protection introduced by Tweeter will be a successful strategy to keep the electronic store able to compete in intense competition of electronic store. The trends of APP refunds are increasing every period until it reached cumulatively $783,863 in December 1995. Tweeter market share is considered very low in New England Market. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
Americ Top Dog Or Underdog - 1556 Words
America: Top Dog or Underdog? Fasten your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen because I’m about to talk you on a field trip that will brush the dust particles off of your brain cells and make you see America like you’ve never seen it before. Your mind will be blown with the statements made by the two authors Barbara Ehrenreich and Fareed Zakaria. This is about to be the most fascinating adventure of your life. Outsourcing, international relations, and foreign policy all combined into one paper. Barbara Ehrenreich’s article â€Å"Your Local News--Dateline Delhi†explains the economic pressures that America is facing such as outsourcing. Fareed Zakaria takes on the global effects of outsourcing in his article â€Å"The Rise of the Rest†in which he†¦show more content†¦Ehrenreich is one of the many Americans that are against the idea of our nation helping others. She thinks that outsourcing is weakening America on the whole. Ehrenreich’s thesis is, after all, is that th is obsession with capitalism has depleted our nationalism; and America has become so obsessed with helping others that we do not take time to help our own â€Å"failing†country. Many people may compare outsourcing to hashtags or selfies, a waste of time and pointless. Also, people may say that outsourcing hit America in a huge tidal wave that is now uncontrollable. Ehrenreich exemplifies this when she writes,†I should’ve seen it coming. In the eighties, US companies began outsourcing the manufacturing of everything from garments to steel, leaving whole cities to die†(609). Basically, Ehrenreich is saying that if outsourcing ruined us then, it will ruin us now; but clearly outsourcing has not ruined us that much because, of all of the jobs that we have outsourced in the last decade, we’re still standing strong. Zakaria contradicts this by saying,†Over the past twenty years, as globalization and outsourcing have accelerated dramatically, Americ a’s growth rate has averaged just over 3 percent†(619). We’ve outsourced all of these jobs and yet our population has grown. The fact that we’re giving opportunities to other countries has not taken
Friday, December 13, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 30-31 Free Essays
Chapter 30 October 19, 1864 I’m out of danger, but I don’t feel safe. I wonder if I’ll ever feel safe again, or will I forever long for a desire that I’ll never fulfill? Will I get used to the ache? Twenty, two hundred, two thousand years from now, will I even remember these weeks? And will I remember Callie and her red hair, her laugh? I will. I have to. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 30-31 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Callie has saved me and given me another chance at life. In a way, it’s like she was the daylight that followed the darkness Katherine had cast upon my existence. Katherine turned me into a monster, but Callie has changed me back into the Stefan Salvatore I’m proud to be. I wish her love. I want nothing but the best for her. I want for her to live in the light and find a man–a human–who will appreciate and adore her, who will take her away from Gallagher’s house forever to a quiet home on a lake, where she can teach her children to skip stones. I woke in the middle of the night to what I thought were hailstones bouncing against the windowpane. Despite Lexis rules, I peeked through a tiny slit in the curtains and squinted into the darkness. The trees were bare, their branches like ghostly limbs stretching toward the sky. Though it was a moonless night, I could see a raccoon scamper through the yard. And then, a figure standing timidly behind one of the columns on the portico. Callie. I hastily pulled on a shirt and slipped down the stairs, taking care to not make any noise. The last thing I wanted was for Buxton or Lexi to know that a human had followed me home. The door shut with a thud behind me, and I saw Callie jump. â€Å"Im here,†I whispered, feeling thrilled, confused, and excited, all at once. â€Å"Hi,†she said shyly. â€Å"Are you going somewhere?†I asked, nodding at her bag. â€Å"I hope so.†She clasped my hands with her own. â€Å"Stefan, I dont care what you are. Ive never cared. And I want to be with you.†She looked into my eyes. â€Å"I I love you.†I gazed at the ground, a lump in my throat. Back when I was a human, I thought Id loved Katherine until I saw her, chained up, muzzled, and foaming at the mouth. Id felt nothing but disgust at that vision. And yet Callie had seen me unconscious, bleeding from vervain, staked by captors, and pummeling my brother in the ring, and she still loved me. How was that possible? â€Å"You dont have to respond,†Callie rushed on. â€Å"I just had to tell you. And Im leaving no matter what. I cant stay here with Father, not after everything thats happened. Im getting on the train, and you can come with me. But you dont have to. But I want you to,†she babbled. â€Å"Callie!†I interrupted, placing a finger to her lips. Her eyes widened, shifting between fear and hope. â€Å"I would go with you anywhere,†I said. â€Å"I love you, too, and I will for the rest of my life.†â€Å"You mean your un-life,†she said, her eyes dancing. â€Å"How did you know where I lived?†I asked, suddenly shy. Callie blushed. â€Å"I followed you home once. When you ran away after the first vampire fight. I wanted to know everything about you.†â€Å"Well, now you do.†Unable to restrain myself, I pulled her into my arms and lowered my lips to hers, no longer afraid to hear the blood coursing in her veins or to hear her heart beat faster in anticipation. She tightened her grip around me, and our lips touched. I hungrily kissed her, feeling the softness of her lips against mine. My fangs didnt grow, my desire was all for her, in her human form, as she was. She was soft and warm and tasted like tangerines. In those moments, I imagined our future. Wed take the train as far away from New Orleans as possible, maybe to California, or perhaps even sail to Europe. Wed nest in a little cottage and keep livestock for me to feed from, and Callie and I would live out our days together, away from the prying eyes of society. A nagging thought tugged at the corner of my mind: Would I turn her? I hated the thought of doing it, of sinking my teeth into her white neck, of making her live a life in which she craved blood and feared the daylight, but I also couldnt bear the thought of seeing her grow old and die in front of me. I shook my head, trying to release those thoughts. I could deal with them later. We both could. â€Å"Stefan,†Callie murmured, but then the murmur turned into a gasp, and she slipped out of my clutches and onto the ground. A butchers knife stuck into her back, blood pooling out of it. â€Å"Callie!†I cried, sinking to my knees. â€Å"Callie!†Frantic, I tore a vein in my wrist, trying to feed Callie my blood to heal her. But before I could press my arm to her gasping mouth, an unseen hand yanked me up by the shirt collar. A low, familiar chuckle cut through the night air. â€Å"Not so fast, brother.†Chapter 31 I whirled around, my hand ready to strike, my fangs bared. Before I could move, Damon grabbed my shoulders and flung me across the street. My body hit the road, hard, my arm snapping at an unnatural angle. I scrambled to my feet. Callie was lying in the grass, her red hair fanning over her shoulder, a pool of blood darkening around her. She let out a quiet moan, and I knew she must be in agony. I started to race back to her, pumping my blood to my open wound so she could feed easily. But Damon intercepted me, lowering his shoulder into my chest and knocking me backward. I scrambled to my feet. â€Å"This stops now!†I yelled, ready to pounce. I flew toward him, ready to rip him apart, to give him what hed wanted for so long. â€Å"Does it stop now? Before dinner?†Damon asked, a slow smile forming on his face. I watched in horror as Damon knelt down, bared his teeth, and sunk them into Callies neck, drinking long and hard. I tried to push him away, but he was far too strong. How many people had he fed from since our escape? I kept tugging, trying to free Callie, but Damon stayed in the same position as if he were a marble sculpture. â€Å"Help! Lexi!†I roared, as Damon sent me flying backward with a swift jab of his elbow. I hit the grass with a thud. Damon kept drinking. I realized with horror that Callies moaning had stopped. So had the steady, thrumming sound of blood Id gotten so used to hearing in Callies presence. I fell to my knees. Damon turned toward me, his face smeared with blood. Callies blood. I blanched at the sight. Damon chuckled. â€Å"You were right, brother. Killingiswhat vampires do. Thanks for the lesson.†â€Å"Ill kill you,†I said, rushing toward him once more. I knocked him to the ground, but Damon took advantage of my injured arm and flipped me over, pinning me to the ground next to Callie. Damon shook his head. â€Å"I dont think I will die tonight, thank you. Youre done being the one to make the life-and-death decisions,†he hissed. He stood up, as if he were going to walk away. I crawled over to Callie. Her eyes were wide open and glassy, her face pale. Her chest was still rising and falling, but barely. Please live, I thought, gazing into her unblinking eyes in a desperate attempt to compel her. I saw her eyelids flutter. Could it be possible that it was working? I want you to live. I want to love you while you’re alive, I thought, squeezing blood from my wounds into her open mouth. Then, as drops fell on her face, I felt an agonizing pain in my abdomen. I sprawled on the grass as Damon kicked me over and over and over in the stomach, a demonic look in his eye. Summoning all my strength, I scuttled on the dew-damp earth away from Damon. â€Å"Help me,†I called again toward the house. â€Å"Help me!†Damon mocked in a sing-song voice. â€Å"Not quite the big man, anymore, are we, little brother? What happened to taking over the world? Got too busy having tea parties with your little friends and falling in love with humans?†He shook his head in disgust. Something inside me snapped. Somehow, I pushed myself to my feet and raced toward Damon, fangs bared. I pushed him to the ground, my fangs carving a long, jagged cut along his jugular vein. He fell to the ground, blood draining from his neck, his eyes closing. For a moment, he looked like my brother again. No bloodshot eyes, no voice laced with hatred. Just the broad shoulders and dark hair that always symbolized Damon. And yet he wasnt Damon anymore. He was a monster on a spree of destruction, stopping at nothing to make his threat of making my life miserable come true. I surveyed the ground around us, finally glimpsing a small tree limb, a few feet away, fallen after a storm. I crawled over to the branch and raised it high above his chest. â€Å"Go to hell,†I whispered, fervently meaning each word. But as the words left my mouth, Damon lunged up from the ground, his eyes red and his fangs bared. â€Å"Thats no way to talk to family.†He scoffed, throwing me to the ground. â€Å"And thats no way to hold a stake.†He raised the branch high over my chest, a gleam in his eye. â€Å"Heres the death you didnt let me have. Slow, and painful, and Im going to enjoy every second of it,†Damon said, cackling as he brought the stake down with all his might against my chest. And then everything went black. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 30-31, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Personal Story Finding the Value of Living Essay Example For Students
Personal Story Finding the Value of Living Essay I believe life has great value. We only live once, and death can come to anyone at anytime. Some people just let it happen, but others fight for their life and never give up. I have a person in my life that has encountered this battle, along with myself. In late June of this past year, 2014, I experienced a traumatic experience. My mother was driving my cousin, my friend, my sisters, and I to my dad’s house. My youngest sister, my friend, and I, were sitting in the backseat and my eldest sister was in the passenger seat. Laughter and chatter filled the car, when all of a sudden, the world went dark and I went into shock. We will write a custom essay on Personal Story Finding the Value of Living specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I opened my eyes moments later only to see my mother with a bloody nose crying helplessly for help. I looked to my left, where my cousin was, she was screaming out in pain and calling for her mother, saying â€Å"I want my mom! †I then looked to my right, and saw my friend crying, and breathing harshly and saying, Aunty, wake up! Open your eyes! †In the moment, I felt helpless and tried not to cry because I had to keep my cousin and my brother, who are both two years younger than me, calm. My eldest sister, surprisingly was fine. She asked me if I was alright, and I responded by telling her that my head hurts. My sister suddenly looked at the left side of my face, and said, â€Å"Motaharah touch the left side of your face. †I was curious as to why he would tell me to do that so I did it, only to find that I was bleeding from a head wound. I was not in pain, my head was just numb. I ripped my shirt and used that small piece of cloth to keep pressure on my head to prevent bleeding. A few minutes later, my eldest sister demanded for all of us to get out of the car. My friend in the front, and the rest of us behind her, stepped out and walked to the other side of the car. I may be out of the car, but a piece of me was still stuck inside. My mother was unable to move because the door caved in, therefore she was trapped inside. I couldnt control my tears anymore; I just couldn’t see my mom in pain for another second. I spotted a gas station nearby where I ran quickly, tears rushing down my cheeks, seeking for help. There was a middle aged man walking in circles, on his mobile device, seemingly dialing 911. I waited until I saw him hang up, and then approached him. I asked him politely, â€Å"Can you please dial my dad’s number? †He replied, â€Å"Of course, honey, number? †I gave him the number and he dialed quickly. I heard my dad’s gentle voice answer the phone, â€Å"Hello? †â€Å"Yes, hi I am Ahmad, and I am standing here at the crossing of 8th street and Cypress with your daughter, her mother and siblings have just encountered a terrible vehicle accident†said the man. I heard my dads response which was, â€Å"I am on my way. †A policeman waved to us from afar and indicated to get in his car just to be safe. As my sister, my friend, my cousin, and I were getting ready to sit in the police car, we saw my dad rushing toward my mom’s vehicle and looking around, clearly looking out to find where we were. Since I could not open the doors of the police car from the inside, I knocked on the window, trying to get my eldest sister’s attention who was standing outside, to get her to open the door. I ran outside; I ran into my father’s arms. At this moment, firefighters surrounded my mom’s vehicle and got the door to open. Moments later I saw my mom being carried out on a stretcher. I just stood there, watching the ambulance rush her into emergency. My heart was beating fast and I could not stop crying, until I noticed my baby sister standing besides me. I looked over at her, and she was having problems breathing properly. .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .postImageUrl , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:hover , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:visited , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:active { border:0!important; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:active , .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9 .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u16f0f203ebcc0ea707a9b9161915e4f9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: This Paper EssayShe was in terrible condition, so I immediately alerted a medical corpsman. Suddenly, a medic walked up to me, and started to clean my face with alcohol wipes. He then placed several band aids on the wound on the side of my face. There were cuts all over my face, but they were not painful. As the medic cleared everything up, she told me to gather my siblings and follow her. After being seated in the ambulance, one of the medical corpsman put my little sister on a breathing machine, which essentially, was helping her breathe properly and to gain oxygen into her lungs. My friend, my cousin, my brother, and I were sitting in the back on a narrow horizontal seat, that was projecting from a wall. My father was in the front with the individual driving the vehicle. One we were free to get out, I requested the nurse if we were allowed to see my mother and she said yes. We went into my mother’s room and really just paused for a while. You can just tell she was in so much pain just by looking at her. Although she was hurting and not in the best condition, she made small talk with us and told us that she cracked her hip bones, and broke a few ribs. This was the day I realized that you don’t know how much you appreciate and love someone, until they are in a battle fighting for their life just so they can live to see you grow each day. My mother is my rock. She has fought for her life to stay in mine and my siblings’. My mother works hours just so she can provide my siblings and I with whatever we want. I look up to her and appreciate my mom for everything, and I want her to stay in my life for a very long time. Death, can take you away in a second. Some people just let it happen, but others fight for their life and never give up, just like my mom did.
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