Thursday, September 3, 2020
Meaning Of a Family Essay Example for Free
Which means Of a Family Essay Everybody has their own importance of a family. Nonetheless, all families share some regular qualities that are illustrated in a family definition article. According to the word reference meaning of a family, every one of its individuals live in a typical house and are connected along with one another financially. All relatives are additionally genuinely connected and have a solid bond. A family comprises of grown-ups of both the genders who are hitched to one another and have kids. A family definition article must feature these angles in an intriguing way and depict every component or constituent of a family. On Getting Family Essay Ideas There are a few viewpoints to a family, for example, the complexities of relations, values, and the adoration and friendship among its individuals. Subsequently, family exposition thoughts are additionally various; decisions incorporate training, employments, house work, and the obligations and obligations of every part. In this way, to get all the more fascinating family article thoughts and top-quality substance for the equivalent, you can look for the master help of expert journalists and composing organizations. Custom composing organizations have subject specialists who offer direction in picking and composing viable expositions for every one of your necessities. Picking Family Essay Topics A few kinds of families exist in our general public. Along these lines, there is sufficient decision with regards to composing expositions on issues related with each kind of family structure. Family article subjects can cover the family structure, association, obligations and the bond shared among relatives. Expounding on the family can be a multifaceted assignment, which requires the need of master help. Proficient journalists with ability in various paper composing styles, configurations and subjects can help disentangle the undertaking of choosing family exposition points and make them increasingly important. Composing Essay about Family Composing an article about family can be a contacting experience; but an overwhelming one, as the essayist needs to adequately communicate his/her affections for the relatives. The exposition about family can concentrate on occurrences that delineate the family’s harmony and the security between its individuals. One can likewise expound on the family’s commitment during troublesome occasions. For master help on article writing in shifted subjects, help is directly nearby with proficient composing administrations. Organizations like have a group of masters to compose on an assortment of subjects in the most legitimate way. What's more, you shouldn’t make them extremely upset. From one hand it’s extraordinary to be the lone kid in a family however now and again it’s not. On the in addition to side guardians consistently prepared to support you yet on the opposite when there is an excessive amount of care it appears not to be acceptable, on the grounds that you can't show your autonomy, accomplish something yourself. Likewise you can feel desolate and exhausted. In any case, your folks regularly do whatever their kid need and if it’s essential they help you and caution. They generally invest their energy accomplishing something along with kid to make him cheerful or educate something. Furthermore, you need to value their consideration and love. Since no one with the exception of them love you so much and know a great deal about you. With respect to me, I am the lone kid in family. Also, in some cases I consider by what method will I live in the event that I have a sister or sibling. Now and again it is so exhausting to be at home along. I consider my folks, that all my youth they helped me and thoroughly took care of me. Yet, it doesn’t imply that I’m the fundamental individual in my family. Family it’s likewise our grandmas, granddads, aunties, uncles. What's more, the family tree has a long history of ages that occasionally are old to such an extent that we can't recollect the individual from it, the name and occupation. What's more, of coarse we think about our progenitors from our grandparents. With respect to me it’s truly intriguing to realize who lived before me. Also, when I start to get some information about progenitors I find for myself a great deal of fascinating things. For instance a few highlights of character which I have or part of appearance. In any case, it’s a pity that I know not many individuals in my family branch.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Keep Abortion Legal essays
Keep Abortion Legal papers Before the 1973 Supreme Court choice in Roe v. Swim, premature birth was unlawful in many states. The 5-4 choice preferring the offended party for this situation characterized a sacred right to security based on which the Court said fetus removal ought to be permitted in specific cases. As opposed to offering a general choice established in the significance of the privilege to protection or the estimation of unborn life, the Court utilized a continuum of fetal advancement along which the clashing interests of the mother and the unborn kid must be adjusted at different phases of pregnancy. The outcome: three many years of political discussion and surveying about the lawfulness of fetus removal under different explicit conditions and in every one of the three trimesters. Every individual has their own assessment about whether fetus removal ought to be totally legitimate or not. However, I accept that premature birth ought to be legitimate and that there ought to be no more discussion a bout it. So as to get to the core of the discussion, I should address a portion of the fundamental contentions of the individuals who accept that premature birth ought to be illicit. The most ideal path to this is to isolate these inquiries into specific groupings. This will assist with responding to inquiries from every single diverse range of the issue including the privilege to life, questions managing the Constitution and mental regions. To address these inquiries I will utilize models and facts from American culture not exclusively to convince the individuals who dont accept, yet in addition to cause them to understand that the appropriate response was directly before them the entire time. 1. Arguments concerning the privilege to life There are the individuals who state that fetus removal ought not be lawful in the United States and it must be halted in light of the fact that the privilege to life must be ensured. To that I would state laws have never halted premature birth, yet just consigned it to back-rear entryway butchers. The bad faith is clear: when illicit premature birth was the main enemy of pregnant ladies in the United States, th... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tulsa Race Riots Essay -- essays research papers
Tulsa Race Riot The Tulsa race revolt changed the course of American history by effectively communicating African American perspectives on racial oppression. Before the occasions of the Tulsa race revolt African Americans saw the white network assuming control over equity. Dark residents of Tulsa faced this kind of white crowd. This escaladed into the Tulsa race revolt. The Tulsa race uproar and its belongings weighed vigorously upon the African Americans of this period. The primary occasion was with the Industrial Workers of World (IWW), where they were accused by Tulsan’s in besieging the place of a well off oilman. It started on â€Å"October 29, 1917†, when the home of an affluent oilman was shelled in Tulsa. There were little hints to be found however as Scott Ellsworth reports in his book Death in a Promised Land, â€Å"The papers were directing the fault toward the IWW†(25). The secretary of the IWW would have been the spokes individual for the twelve individuals from the IWW in court, with the allegation of shelling the place of a rich oilman. Ellsworth reports: â€Å"The preliminary was brought to a quick end. Not exclusively judged Evans see the twelve as liable, fine them $100 each, and submitted them to imprison, however five individuals in the court who had filled in as observers for the protection captured. [†¦] The police were then trained to move the seventeen detainees that night to the region jail†(30). The cops accompanied the seventeen men into vehicles and took them to the district prison, however in transit they were stopped by a gathering of furnished men, which called themselves â€Å"Knights of Liberty†. Knights of Liberty removed the seventeen men from the vehicle and attached them to the tree. As Ellsworth reports, â€Å"They were cleaned on their back and afterward hot tar and quills were then applied to the bloodied backs of the seventeen men†(30). The subsequent occasion, which indicated that white Tulsan’s were unfriendly before the Tulsa Race Riot, was when Roy Belton murdered Homer Nida a taxi vehicle drive. On August 21, 1920, Nida was driving two white men and one white lady to a move in Red Fork. While driving Nida notice something abnormal about his traveler. Not long before Red Fork, as Scott Ellsworth composes that Nida was clubbed on the head by on of the men with a gun (30). They got outside of Red Fork were Nida was then shot in the stomach by one of the men in the vehicle. Roy Belton a white previous phone organization specialist took a freed...†(60). The commission of Tulsa has been working since 1997 to make a superior image of the viciousness that prompted the pulverization the city’s dark business area. The magazine the Jet report, â€Å"that the magistrates suggested compensation going from a commemoration and grants to guide installments to survivors and their descendants†(9). There is likewise been a contention about the quantity of passings during the Tulsa race revolt. In 1999 students of history came to Tulsa attempting to locate the right number of passings. In a Goble-News article history specialists accept near 300 individuals kicked the bucket during the brutality of the Tulsa race revolt (n.pag.). In all dark resident of Tulsa turned out to be exceptionally close do to this disaster that gathered on June 1, 1921. The Tulsa race revolt changed the course of American history by effectively communicating African American perspectives on racial oppression. Surely I feel with the accessible realities in this exploration paper, that the whites were the aggressors for the occasions paving the way to the Tulsa race revolt and the beginning of the Tulsa race revolt. African Americans were basically there to face the racial oppression and to give the African Americans Tulsa their opportunity and equivalent equity. Tulsa Race Riots Essay - papers inquire about papers Tulsa Race Riot The Tulsa race revolt changed the course of American history by effectively communicating African American perspectives on racial oppression. Before the occasions of the Tulsa race revolt African Americans saw the white network assuming control over equity. Dark residents of Tulsa faced this kind of white crowd. This escaladed into the Tulsa race revolt. The Tulsa race mob and its belongings weighed vigorously upon the African Americans of this time. The primary occasion was with the Industrial Workers of World (IWW), where they were accused by Tulsan’s in besieging the place of an affluent oilman. It started on â€Å"October 29, 1917†, when the home of a rich oilman was bombarded in Tulsa. There were little pieces of information to be found yet as Scott Ellsworth reports in his book Death in a Promised Land, â€Å"The papers were directing the fault toward the IWW†(25). The secretary of the IWW would have been the spokes individual for the twelve individuals from the IWW in court, with the allegation of shelling the place of a well off oilman. Ellsworth reports: â€Å"The preliminary was brought to a quick end. Not exclusively judged Evans see the twelve as blameworthy, fine them $100 each, and submitted them to imprison, yet five individuals in the court who had filled in as observers for the guard captured. [†¦] The police were then taught to move the seventeen detainees that night to the area jail†(30). The cops accompanied the seventeen men into vehicles and took them to the area prison, yet in transit they were stopped by a gathering of equipped men, which called themselves â€Å"Knights of Liberty†. Knights of Liberty removed the seventeen men from the vehicle and attached them to the tree. As Ellsworth reports, â€Å"They were cleaned on their back and afterward hot tar and quills were then applied to the bloodied backs of the seventeen men†(30). The subsequent occasion, which indicated that white Tulsan’s were threatening before the Tulsa Race Riot, was when Roy Belton executed Homer Nida a taxi vehicle drive. On August 21, 1920, Nida was driving two white men and one white lady to a move in Red Fork. While driving Nida notice something uncommon about his traveler. Not long before Red Fork, as Scott Ellsworth composes that Nida was clubbed on the head by on of the men with a pistol (30). They got outside of Red Fork were Nida was then shot in the stomach by one of the men in the vehicle. Roy Belton a white previous phone organization laborer took a freed...†(60). The commission of Tulsa has been working since 1997 to make a superior image of the brutality that prompted the devastation the city’s dark business locale. The magazine the Jet report, â€Å"that the magistrates suggested compensation extending from a dedication and grants to guide installments to survivors and their descendants†(9). There is likewise been a discussion about the quantity of passings during the Tulsa race revolt. In 1999 history specialists came to Tulsa attempting to locate the right number of passings. In a Goble-News article students of history accept near 300 individuals passed on during the viciousness of the Tulsa race revolt (n.pag.). In all dark resident of Tulsa turned out to be close do to this catastrophe that gathered on June 1, 1921. The Tulsa race revolt changed the course of American history by effectively communicating African American perspectives on racial domination. Surely I feel with the accessible realities in this examination paper, that the whites were the aggressors for the occasions paving the way to the Tulsa race revolt and the beginning of the Tulsa race revolt. African Americans were basically there to face the racial domination and to give the African Americans Tulsa their opportunity and equivalent equity.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Qualitative And Quantitative Research - CustomEsayMeister
Mixed research is another type of dissertation. However, this type of research combines qualitative and quantitative techniques to draw out the best possible findings for a study. Mixed research allows the researcher to use qualitative research methods for one part and the quantitative methods for another part, or both categories of methods for data-gathering, often to support or invalidate a hypothesis or each methods results. You can implement mixed research in two ways:Mixed model researchThis arrangement allows the researcher to combine both quantitative and qualitative research approaches on the same phase. For example, you can use questionnaires as a part of the data-gathering process which can contain both quantitative and qualitative type items. Therefore, even if your research topicis qualitative in nature, you can allow a larger number of respondents, and use statistical data to support your hypothesis.Combining both qualitative and quantitative data can give a better justi fication to your dissertation, as long as all methods are properly implemented and prepared to complement each others gaps.Example: Take, for example, the research objective is to shed light on the perception of children of farmers in rural China on farming as a career. Since we are taking the childrens perception on farming as a career, this study is considered as qualitative in nature. However, the researcher may proceed with mixed model approach by taking, for instance, 100 respondents (children 16yrs and/or below) and making them fill out a questionnaire which contains open-ended items, scaling items, and yes or no items.In this case, you will gather qualitative data from the open-ended questions, as well as quantitative data from the other two types of questions. Consequently, you will have two types of information to discussthe actual answers of your respondents and the interpretation on your statistical results.Mixed method researchMixed method research, on the other hand, ca n give you a larger scope in terms of the aspects of your research topic. Mixed method research means you can conduct a quantitative study, experimental or not, and utilize qualitative techniques to gather educated opinion regarding your research paper, as if you are also conducting a mini research related to yours. This way, you will have findings for your research question, as well as findings on how the experts think of your research.Example: Say, the research topic is to study the differences between the effectiveness of schooling (in classrooms) and home-schooling. Although this can be done using qualitative methods via interview sessions with experts, the researcher can actually utilize various tests applicable to quantitative interpretations such as taking the scores of the students in various subjects, computing the average, and interpreting the data. Once the findings are out, the researcher can then conduct interviews with professors to gather their opinion regarding the c hosen topic. That way, the results can either be further supported, or a counterargument can be discovered.Do not be afraid if a counterargument floats as you proceed on implementing the qualitative research process, because you can always discuss it as a limitation of your research, and a topic recommendation for future researchers. Although the use of mixed research is encouraged by most instructors because of its apparent advantages in closing loopholes, you do not have to force your study to apply this method.Always keep in mind that the purpose of a research design is to extract the most accurate findings for your research topic, and this does not always mean that you need to combine qualitative and quantitative techniques. Note that some topics works well with quantitative techniques (scientific), while some works well with qualitative techniques (ethnography, etc.). Also, do not focus too much on the methodology more than your research questions and objectives, because the re search design should only be planned after you have carefully studied a significant and feasible topic.Custom essay writing help for college studentsIn the pursuit of new knowledge thru research, the academic sphere allows a few rules that can be bent. This truth enables mixed research to flourish and set a precedent in the field of dissertation writing. Mixed research embodies the fluidity with which qualitative and quantitative approaches can converge to reach a new level of credibility. Yes, it takes plenty of study and practice for one to acquire a firm grasp of how it must be conducted, but mastery thereof would prove to be beneficial not only in college; it extends to graduate school and PhD. The only obstruction is lack of time, something all students can relate to. If you happen to be one of those students for whom 24 hours a day are not enough, seek our help. We at are not just an essay writing service company, we are the complete academic ghostwriting help. From essays to research papers, dissertations and theses to quantitative projects in finance, accounting, and statistics, we have you covered. Our help is a message away.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Depression And Mania Essay - 2094 Words
Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that is also known as manic depression. The term â€Å"bipolar†can be separated to find its definition. Bi- meaning two, and –polar meaning two opposing poles. Signifying the 2 polar opposites of depression and mania. Its first appearance in the American Psychiatrist Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), was in its 3rd revision of 1980. There are three types of Bipolar disorder: bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, and cyclothymic disorder. This disorder is important because everyday many untreated people struggle with it due to a lack of information on this given subject. It s history, symptoms, and treatments will be discussed in the following pages. History The first signs of Bipolar disorder fate back to the 1st century. Araetaeus of Capadociamade notes that linked mania and depression together in Greece. However his researched went unnoted for many centuries. In. Ancient Greek and Roman times â€Å"mania and melancholia†, today known as manic and depressive, were attitudes that were beginning to be studied. At the same time as Araetaeus, Greek philosopher Aristotle acknowledged melancholy as a condition, but he also thanked it for being a source of inspiration for the artists who lived in his time. Also, people around the world would be executed for having any mental condition or disorder, including bipolar disorder. Religious dogma made people believe that anyone with mental conditions were possessed byShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Mental Disorders1249 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar Disorder, also known as manic/depressive disorder once was a disorder that carried a severe societal stigmatism. It now has carries less sti gmatism but is a disorder which has become difficult to diagnosis and extremely prevalent in today’s society. Due to the manic characteristic of the disorder it differentiates itself from the typical form of depression. Even though both depression and bipolar disorder can be due to an imbalance in brain chemistry and biology, genetics, or effected byRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1572 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Bipolar disorder has had a large history full of misunderstandings, wrongful treatments and stigma surrounding the illness. Bipolar, formerly called manic depression causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression). (Mayo 1998) When you become depressed you may feel sad, vulnerable and anxious. When you experience mania you will become overly joyful or full of energy, making the crash back to depression that much harder. According to A ShortRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder706 Words  | 3 PagesBipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that is characterized by changes in mood. It can lead to risky behavior, damage relationships and careers, and even suicidal outcomes if it’s not treated. Bipolar disorder is more common in older teenagers and young adults, it can affect children as young as 6. Women experience more periods of depression than men. More remains to be learned about this condition that affects millions of people. Aretaeus of Cappadocia began the process of detailingRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )956 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar Disorder Definition Bipolar Disorder is an increasingly common mood disorder that effects millions of people worldwide. In order to understand the plight of any psychiatric patient suffering from this ailment or to be prepared to treat this disease, it is pertinent to first fully understand what this mental disorder truly is. The first misconception surrounding bipolar disorder is that it is just one disease, contrarily it can be divided into two different sub categories. The National InstituteRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Its Effects On The Human Mind987 Words  | 4 Pages Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that has many effects on the human body and mind. It’s found in young adults and children as well. Statistics show that the disorder affects about four million people in the United States and is becoming one of the most common disabilities in the United States today. People with bipolar disorder undergo two types of mood swings: depression and mania. Those two are then divided into su bcategories: Bipolar 1 Disorder, Bipolar 2 Disorder, and Cylothymia. This paperRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder1020 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar disorder, formally known as ‘manic depression’, is known for its extreme mood swings; these can last anything from weeks to months and are far more extreme than moods most people would experience. Mood swings include episodes of highs and lows; these are known as mania and depressive episodes. Bipolar is a disorder that affects men and woman equally and affects around 1 in 100 adults. Symptoms usually start during or after adolescents and rarely start after the age of 40 (Royal CollegeRead MoreWhat Is Bipolar Disorder?.1101 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depression, is a mental disorder. This condition primarily affects your mood and can cause extreme mood swings from elation to depression. Individuals with bipolar disorder can experience serious changes in thinking, energy and behaviour. If you have bipolar disorder you are likely to experience what are referred to as ‘episodes’ or states. The differentRead MoreBipolar Disorder Essay844 Words  | 4 PagesBipolar disorder also known as manic depression has always been a mystery since the 16th century. History has shown that it can appear in almost everyone. Bipolar disorder causes mood swings in energy, thinking, and other behavior. Having a bipolar disorder can be very disabling (Kapczinski). A study was evaluated and about 1.3% of the U.S population of people suffers from bipolar disorder. Stressors and environmental influences can trigger an d cause a person to go through numerous episodes. BipolarRead MoreTaking a Look at Bipolar Disorder1059 Words  | 4 PagesI chose bipolar disorder because making the distinction between normal mood fluctuations and mood fluctuations caused by bipolar disorder is significant to understanding human behavior. It is interesting to analyze how the brain and moods are affected by bipolar disorder and what treatments are available to get it back to a stable stage. A brief overview of the disease: Bipolar disorder (bipolar affective disorder or manic-depressive disorder) is a long-term disorder where a person’s mood fluctuatesRead MoreThe Cultural Aspects Of Bipolar Disorder1586 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Bipolar disorder like most mental disorders does not discriminate by culture. This research papers primary goal is educate on the cultural difference or similarities in how bipolar disorder manifests itself. The secondary goal of this paper is to establish a generalized understanding of bipolar disorder as to supplement the primary goal. This will all be done in a systematic manner to ensure that every major topic is examined to the full extent and all the topics of interests are covered
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sidney Milkis Argues That. Fdr And His New Deal Coalition,
Sidney Milkis argues that. FDR and his New Deal coalition, reforms were intended to liberate the chief executive from the constraints of partisan politics. Only weakening an already tenuous relationship, this isolation by FDR from what was once popular and institutional support from their party contributes to the decline of the party system and the process. It fashioned a stronger, more active national state, but one lacking in vital representative institutions capable of common deliberation and choice. Placing the issue in contemporary perspective, Milkis warns of the challenges ahead for a nation struggling to repair its frayed connection between government and people. Milkis also presents the question of whose party was actually in†¦show more content†¦FDR’s desire to â€Å"purge†and reform the party system was based on a belief that intra-party battles where the cause for the dysfunctionality in American politics and its inefficiency of mobilization to nee ded change. Tensions between Progressives and Traditional Democrats FDR’s New Deal programs greatly expanded the size, scope, and power of the federal government, giving the President and his Brain Trust near-dictatorial status. â€Å"I want to assure you,†Roosevelt s aide Harry Hopkins told an audience of New Deal activists in New York, â€Å"that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal.†FDR was faced with the same difficult position of putting words into action. The establishment machine forges a â€Å"coalition of progressives that were divided into two parties†(54). †¦ â€Å" FDR believed that an undue dependence on regular Democratic party would prevent a fundamental alteration of political alignments and †¦his support of regular patronage practices to reward certain Republican Progressives and other reformers outside the Democratic party†¦developed a national New Deal Organization.†(55) The resentment by the new patronage was extremely evident. Even by the progressive who were reaping the rewards of their new status and positions in government. This allocation and reorganization of ideological aspiration was the path for a â€Å"more
Informative speech on ecstasy free essay sample
II. According to the US National Library of Medicine Nation Institutes of Health, approximately 10% of college students have tried this at least once. 7% have used this within the past year and 3% within the past month. It is the second most likely illicit drug to be used, first being marijuana. a. For many of you have heard of it referred to as â€Å"E†, or the â€Å"love drug†, or â€Å"happy pill†, or what media refers to it as â€Å"molly†. III. However, all these names share one common characteristic. They all are talking about ecstasy. IV. Today I am going to inform you about the history of ecstasy, how it works, and the symptoms. (Transition: Let’s start by looking at the history.) Body I. What is ecstasy? According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, ecstasy is the street name for MDMA, or methylendioxy-methamphetamine, which is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that has similarities to the stimulant amphetamine and hallucinogen mescaline. a. Problem with ecstasy is that it is no longer pure MDMA, ecstasy tablets are now commonly filled with a mixture of chemical cocktails. For example, the Office of National Drug Control Policy released a report saying, â€Å"Ecstasy tablets are no longer just MDMA, but rather a cocktail of chemicals. Samples of Ecstasy analyzed by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) laboratories contain meth, ketamine, caffeine, dimethylsulfone, N-benzylpiperazine (BZP), and trifluoromethylpiperazine (TFMPP), in addition to MDMA.†II. History of ecstasy: MDMA was patented in 1913 by the German pharmaceutical company called â€Å"Merck†which was originally supposed to be sold as a diet pill, according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research. However, they decided against marketing the drug. a. Then in the 1950’s the US army experimented with it to use as a possible truth serum against enemy troops. (Center for Substance Abuse Research) b. Then in the 1970’s it sparked interest among psychiatrists, who began looking into it and experimenting with it to help in psychotherapy and marriage counseling. c. In the early 1980’s, MDMA got its new nickname, â€Å"Ecstasy†. (Center for Substance Abuse Research) d. In 1988 it became illegal (Center for Substance Abuse Research) and was categorized as a schedule I drug, which according to the Drug Enforcement Administration are â€Å"drugs with no currently accepted medical use and high potential for abuse. â€Å" These are the most dangerous drugs of all drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples include LSD, Heroin, and cannabis. e. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, ecstasy became very popular in the U.S. f. Today, ecstasy is very popular at â€Å"rave†scenes or large dance parties with electronic music and pulsating lights. However, raves aren’t the only places where it is used; abused at house parties, college dorms, and various other places. (Transition: Now that we have looked at the history of ecstasy, let’s take a look at how it psychologically works) III. How it works? a. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, MDMA affects levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that is related to mood (and pleasure), sleep and heart rate. When ingested in the body, MDMA causes the brain to flood itself with serotonin, causing the body to have heightened sensitivity and the individual to be intensely emotional and empathetic. b. However, when it wears off, the brain is depleted of much of its supply of serotonin. Because of this substantial loss, depression is a common after-effect of MDMA use. c. Within 20-40 minutes after taking a tablet, the user will experience small rushes of exhilaration, often accompanied by nausea. Sixty to ninety minutes after taking the drug, the user feels the peak effects. Users may continue to experience effects for up to six hours and can feel drained-out for up to two days later, due to heavy loss of serotonin. (Center for Substance Abuse research) (Transition: The increase of serotonin heavily influences the symptoms one may experience, now let’s see what one might experience on ecstasy) IV. Symptoms in the beginning of the rush make users feel peaceful, an increased closeness to others, and have a heightened sensory awareness. a. Short term physical effects of ecstasy according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, are muscle tension, heightened senses, hallucinations, euphoria, empathy for others/ emotional warmth, anxiety, paranoia, involuntary teeth or jaw clenching, nausea, extreme relaxation, severe dehydration, heat exhaustion, increased body temperature up to 108 degrees, increased blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate, faintness, chills or sweating, blurred vision or nystagmus- which is rapid quivering of the pupils. i. In addition, new data released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration indicates that ecstasy related emergency room visits rose from 10,220 in 2004 to 17,865 visits in 2008- a 74.8 percent increase within just four years. b. Long term effects of ecstasy can include, confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, possible depletion of serotonin and memory, or potentially death. (Center for Substance Abuse Research) i. Ecstasy related deaths have been reported usually as a result of heatstroke from dancing in hot clubs for long hours without replenishing lost body fluids. According to the Daily News, Jeffrey Russ and Olivia Rotondo, died after taking doses of MDMA, at a electronic dance music festival held in New York City. (Daily News) Conclusion I. As we see, ecstasy is not a joking matter and should not be tested with due to the serious symptoms it can cause, even as serious as death. II. I have decided to focus on the history, how it works, and symptoms of ecstasy because one night of â€Å"fun†could turn into a tragic event in the blink of an eye.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Report Introduction Essay Example
Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Report Introduction Paper While molecules in diffusion move down a concentration gradient, molecules during osmosis both move down a concentration gradient as well as across it. Both diffusion, and osmosis are types of passive transport, which do not require help. When the concentration of the environment outside of the cell is lower than the inside of the cell, this is called a hypotonic solution. In hypotonic solutions, when water moves into the cell they burst, which is known as lists. A hypersonic solution is when the concentration of outside the cell is higher than the inside of the cell. In hypersonic solutions, water moves out of the cell, making the cell lose water and shrink; this is called creation. An isotonic solution is when the concentration of dissolved molecules is the same both inside and outside of the cell. Thus there is no net movement. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate whether osmosis occurs across the membrane of potato cells. Hypothesis The potato that will be more hypersonic to the sucrose solution will gain weight, whereas the potato when hypotonic to the solution will lose weight. When the potato is most isotonic the similarity of the potato will be 0. . Materials 1 potato 7 250-ml Beakers Sucrose Solutions: 0. 1 (M) Razor Blade Denizen Water (0 molar) Balance that weighs to the nearest 0. 01 Cork Borer Paper Towels Calculator Metric Ruler Methods To perform this experiment seven 250-ml beakers were obtained, rinsed thoroughly and dried with a paper towel. Next a small amount of tape was applied on the beakers and labeled accordingl y to the sucrose solution molarities. Each beaker received 100-ml of the various solutions. However one beaker received 100 ml of Denizen water with a molarities of 0. . Afterwards a cork borer was pushed through the potato and was twisted back and forth. Once the borer was filled it was removed from the potato. Pushing the potato cylinder out of the borer, this this step was repeated six more times in order to get seven undamaged potato cylinders. Using a sharp razor blade, the potato cylinders were both cut to a uniform length of about CM, and were removed of their potato skins. The potato pieces were also cut in half to give the cells a greater reface area in which it was easier to absorb the solution. We will write a custom essay sample on Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Report Introduction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Report Introduction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Report Introduction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After the cylinders were weighed on a balance and the data was recorded in Table 4 Using the razor blade each potato was cut lengthwise into two long halves. Then the potato pieces were transferred to the water beaker and the time they were submerged was recorded. This step was repeated for all potato cylinders in which the pieces were placed in solutions O. 1 to 0. 6 M. The potatoes were incubated for ninety minutes. At the end of the incubation period the time was recorded. Then the potato piece was removed form the first sample. Next potato pieces were weighed the and the final weight was recorded in Table 4. This procedure was repeated until all samples had been weighed and recorded in the chronological order they were initially placed in the test solution. Afterwards the table was completed by recording the weight change and percentage change. In order to calculate the final percentage change of weight the formula that would be needed is (weight change)/(initial change) X 100. The data received at the end was not normal; therefore each potato cylinder was weighed again, and recorded on two different scales.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Quebrada Jaguay - Terminal Pleistocene Archaeology
Quebrada Jaguay - Terminal Pleistocene Archaeology Quebrada Jaguay (designated QJ-280 by its excavator) is a multi-component archaeological site, located on an alluvial terrace within the coastal desert of southern Peru, on the north bank an ephemeral stream near the town of Caman. At the time of its earliest occupation, it was about 7-8 kilometers (4-5 miles) in from the Peruvian coast and today is about 40 meters (130 feet) above sea level. The site was a fishing community, with a Terminal Pleistocene occupation date between about 13,000 and 11,400 calendar years ago (cal BP), based on a large suite of radiocarbon dates. Terminal Pleistocene sites are known in Andean chronology as Preceramic Period I). The site is one of about 60 sites which have been found along the coast of Peru in this region, but it is the only one containing the Jaguay Phase occupations, and it is the earliest site in the region found to date (as of 2008, Sandweiss). The closest site with the same date is Quebrada Tacahuay, some 230 km (140 miles) to the south. It, like Quebrada Jaguay, is a seasonally-occupied fishing village: and those sites and many others extending from Alaska to Chile support the Pacific Coast Migration Model for the original colonization of the Americas. Chronology Late Preceramic Period, 4000 cal BP, Manos PhaseHiatus, 4000-8000 cal BPEarly Middle Preceramic Period, 8000-10,600 cal BP, Machas PhaseEarly Preceramic Period, 11,400-13,000 cal BP, Jaguay Phase During the Jaguay phase, the site was a seasonally-occupied coastal base camp for hunter-gatherers and fishermen who targeted mostly drum fish (Sciaenae, corvina or sea bass family), wedge clams (Mesodesma donancium), and freshwater and/or marine crustaceans. The occupations apparently were confined to the late winter/early summer months; the rest of the year, the people are believed to have moved inland and hunted terrestrial animals. Based on the size of the fish, the people were net fishing: the Machas phase occupations contain a few specimens of knotted cordage. The only terrestrial animals recovered from the site were small rodents, which were not likely food for the residents. Houses during the Jaguay phase were rectangular, based on the identification of postholes, and contained hearths; the houses were reconstructed several times in the same location but slightly different positions, evidence for seasonal occupations. Food remains and abundant lithic debitage were also recovered, but there were almost no finished tools. Poorly preserved plant remains were restricted to a few prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) seeds. The vast majority of the raw material for the stone tools (lithics) were local, but Alca obsidian identified by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis had been brought from its Pucuncho basin source in the Andean highlands some 130 km (80 mi) away and 3000 m (9800 ft) higher in elevation. Machas Phase The Machas Phase occupation at the site contains neither prickly pear nor obsidian: and during this period there are many more such villages in the region. The Machas phase occupation included several bottle gourd rind fragments; and a single semi-subterranean house, about 5 m (16 ft) in diameter and built with a foundation of mud and stone. It may have been roofed with wood or other organic material; it had a central hearth. The house depression is filled with a shell midden, and the house was also built on top of another shell midden. Archaeological Discovery Quebrada Jaguay was discovered by Frà ©dà ©ric Engel in 1970, as part of his investigations into the preceramic epoch along the coastline. Engel dated charcoal from one of his test pits, which came back to a remarkable 11,800 cal bp, unheard of at the time: in 1970, any site in the Americas older than 11,200 was considered heresy. Excavations were conducted at the site by Daniel Sandweiss in the 1990s, with a team of Peruvian, Canadian and U.S archaeologists. Sources Sandweiss DH. 2008. Early Fishing Societies in Western South America. In: Silverman H, and Isbell W, editors. The Handbook of South American Archaeology: Springer New York. p 145-156. Sandweiss DH, McInnis H, Burger RL, Cano A, Ojeda B, Paredes R, Sandweiss MdC, and Glascock MD. 1998. Quebrada Jaguay: early South American maritime adaptations. Science 281(5384):1830-1832. Sandweiss DH, and Richardson JBI. 2008. Central Andean Environments. In: Silverman H, and Isbell WH, editors. The Handbook of South American Archaeology: Springer New York. p 93-104. Tanner BR. 2001. Lithic Analysis of Chipped Stone Artifacts Recovered from Quebrada Jaguay, Peru. Electronic Theses and Dissertations: University of Maine.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 25
Case Study - Essay Example angement where a business organization dedicates to paying health insurance premiums for their workers so that in case of any emergency arising from work activities, they are well taken catered for (Hunnicutt 2010). In planning for health care benefits in an organization, there has to be careful attention on the way the plan is created so that it caters for all workers incommensurate to the company management structures and functions of all its workers. This means that the company does not have to create health care insurance plans that lead to division among the workers. Southern California Grocery has been facing huge challenges in executing its health care pal for its staff. However, a plan to consider some ways of reducing the health insurance costs for the company can be helpful in cutting down its spending in health insurance for two sets of workers. To reduce some of these costs, first, the company should consider establishing various wellness programs. The advantage with these programs is that they influence worker’s lifestyle changes that results in reduced costs for health care. Wellness programs enable workers to participate in their healthy lifestyle; this includes education in ways of preventing certain diseases and illnesses (Dubois 2006). Wellness programs enable employees to make good choices concerning their lifestyle and how those particular lifestyle patterns affect their lives. The second activity that can reduce its health care costs is doing a health assessment; health insurance census ensures employers pay reduced costs for their employees, after an assessment of their health status. This will be an essential process since the grocery may end up harmonizing the rates of heath care insurance to all its employees. Thirdly, the grocery should consider establishing a cost sharing agreement in the payment of the health insurance costs. They grocery should recommend a certain percentage of the costs to be met with its workers, while it honors
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
The Influence of Aldo Leopold on Modern Resource Management and Essay
The Influence of Aldo Leopold on Modern Resource Management and Conservation - Essay Example They include the materials and energy that serves the needs of man in the society (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). The naturally occurring materials like trees, soil, and water are all resources that are valued by man. There are those resources that can be replaced within a short duration and those that cannot be replaced within the short duration. These are referred to as renewable and non-renewable resources respectively (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). Some of the non-renewable resources like coal may take thousands or millions of years to be replaced. An important point to note for the resources is that the rate at which they are consumed often exceeds the rate of renewal and posing a challenge on their scarcity. On the other hand, there are some resources that are in large supply but the problem is how to harness and use it appropriately e.g. the solar energy (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). The increasing size of human population is becoming a threat to the natural resources with a possibility of overexploitation of the resources. There is, therefore, a need to provide an alternative to this excess exploitation of natural resources (McKinney, Schoch, & Yonavjak, 153). This brings in the concept of resource management. Resource management entails a controlled exploitation of the natural resources. It arises due to the fact the exploitation of natural resources has both costs and benefits. The big deal is to perform a cost-benefit analysis and develop a mechanism for proper use of the resources. Aldo Leopold was a philosopher, forester, and conservationist who played a key role in the establishment of wildlife management system in the United States. He was born towards the end of the nineteenth century and was brought up in Burlington (Austin College, para.9) He had an early interest in the natural resources and this would influence his future careers and profession. He pursued forest related careers at various institutions
Friday, January 31, 2020
Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Media - Research Paper Example Illustrative of this changing landscape are the 2004 presidential election campaigns. The top Democratic and Republican candidates were John Kerry and George W. Bush. Some of the key issues on which the campaigns turned included: the invasion on Iraq and generally the war on terror and defense issues, gay marriages, abortion, health, environmental issues, education, budget, trade and issues of gun control. It is on these controversial issues that voters divided between both the Republican and Democratic camps. It is mainly on media, specifically ad campaigning that opponents communicate ideas to the populace and it has proved instrumental in influencing voting patterns, voter turnout and even tipping the vote in tight races the main focus being in battleground states. The race between Bush and Kerry was so close that many issues were predicted to be likely to tip on the balance. One of these was television ad campaigns. The amount of financial resources spent was staggering. In 2004, with fifty sponsors, the Republicans having nineteen and Democrats the rest, hundreds of ads were aired up to over 670, 000 times in prime markets and on cable. Over $ 550, 000 was spent by these sources. Swift boating or shadowing can also be a function of election advertising campaigns; analogous to smear campaigns, these are attacks on an opponent’s credibility and patriotism. ... The Bush-Kerry race was a competitive one and one in which commercials were a dominant and decisive feature. The unprecedented amount spent on the 2004 election ad campaigns is one of its distinctive features. The second was that it commenced earlier than had been witnessed before, on March 4th and third was the record set by outsiders, non-candidate groups for example the SBVT, a veteran group which felt itself bound to step forward to apparently correct Kerry’s ‘exaggerated’ claims about his service in Vietnam. An anonymous source is of the view that while investigations into the effects of political ad campaigns hasn’t been proven to improve voter turnout or set the pace for the discussion of issues or other agenda they are widely agreed to affect a voter’s choice, stimulate interest in the election, help change perceptions about a candidate and generally increase knowledge on issues and policy. Candidates in election ads can acclaim defend or att ack. Research according to Gallup & Newport shows that attacks on policy rather than the character or person are more effective. There are two major ads that can prove the statistics right. Kerry's "fought for his country" ad and George Bush's "100 days" ad are perfect examples of what electoral electioneering encompasses. â€Å"Fought for his country†- John Kerry The words spoken are in normal print whereas the music is italicized and the images are in prentices. The ad opens with a three way split-screen. As the announcer begins on Kerry’s history and soft music starts in the background and piano strokes continue throughout the whole commercial. Its upbeat music that progressively increases in tempo and pitch throughout the
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Use of Satire in Voltaires Candide Essay -- Candide essays Voltaire
Successful Use of Satire in Voltaire's Candide Voltaire's Candide is the story of how one man's adventures affect his philosophy on life. Candide begins his journey full of optimism that he lives in "the best of all possible worlds," but he learns that it is naà ¯ve to say that good will eventually come of any evil. Voltaire successfully uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century. He criticizes religion, the evils found in every level of society, and a philosophy of optimism when faced with an intolerable world. Candide portrays religious persecution as one of the most worst aspects of society. Voltaire rejects the superstitious beliefs that the church endorsed.  After the great earthquake in Lisbon, the church seems to think that persecuting a few innocent civilians in an auto-da-fà ¨ will prevent another disaster. The church should be the most civilized aspect of a society, but Candide is flogged in time to a musical procession, Pangloss is hanged, and two others are burned. Voltaire illustrates the irony of the church as a source of violence with the warring churchmen that Candide finds in the Jesuit state in the New World. The Spanish priests in the New World operate a government where "the Fathers have everything, the people nothing;...they wage war against the King of Spain and the King of Portugal...they kill Spaniards" (Voltaire 53). Ironically, the priests in Paraguay also hold offices in the army. The Baron, for example, holds the title of Reverend Father Colonel. Voltaire stresses the irony of a official of the church that preaches "Thou shalt not kill" to be an army officer who's job is to murder. The cruelty of Christiani... ...ught good out of evil, but because he has made his own happiness. "'Well said,' replied Candide, 'but we must cultivate our garden'" (Voltaire 120).        Works Cited and Consulted: Bottiglia, William. "Candide's Garden." Voltaire: A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Durant, Will, Ariel Durant. The Story of Civilization: Part IX: The Age of Voltaire. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965. Frautschi, R.L. Barron's Simplified Approach to Voltaire: Candide. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1968. Lowers, James K, ed. "Cliff Notes on Voltaire's Candide". Lincoln: Cliff Notes, Inc. 1965. Richter, Peyton. Voltaire. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980. Voltaire's Candide and the Critics. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1966. Voltaire. Candide. New York: Viking Publishers, 1976.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Radioactive Isotopes
Radioactive Isotopes An isotope is one of two or more atoms with the same number of protons, and position in the periodic table, but different number of neutrons and physical properties. Isotopes have an unstable nucleus that decay suddenly by a release of nuclear electrons and radiation. This essay will be discussing one of the applications and uses of the radioactive isotopes, and it will also state one problem that radioactive isotopes can address. The radiation characteristically meet four kinds: alpha radiation, beta radiation, gamma radiation and x radiation.Alpha radiation is weighty, that includes a very-short variety element and is in fact a homeless helium nucleus. Some examples of alpha radiation are radium, radon, uranium, and thorium. Beta radiation is weightless, has short-range particles and is in fact a cast out electron; some examples of beta radiation are strontium -90, carbon-14, tritium, and sulphur-35. Gamma and x radiation are extremely incisive electromagnetic rays. One of the problems I’ll be discussing and is actually solved by radioactive isotopes is a cancer cell.Radiation therapy draws on high-energy radiation to damage on cancer cells by damaging their DNA, unfortunately it can also damage normal cells, so as a result the treatment must be circumspectly designed to reduce side effects. X rays offers huge advantages, counting the previous discovery of cancer and the opportunity of premature action, their use is linked with minute improves in cancer danger. In attendance the agreement vision is the profit of showing women over 50 years old, ignorantly prevail over the associated risks due to radiation experience.Typical effective doses from diagnostic medical exposures in the 1990s Diagnostic procedure | Typical effective does in millisieverts | Equivalent number of chest x-rays| Approximate equivalent period of natural background radiation (1)| X ray examination: -| Limbs and joints (except hip)|
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Essay about The Things They Carried Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis of The Things They Carried: Metafiction Tim O’Brien brings the characters and stories to life in The Things They Carried. He uses a writing style that brings stories to life by posing questions between the relationship of reality and fiction (Calloway 249). This is called metafiction and it exposes the truth through the literary experience. Tim O’Brien uses metafiction to make the characters and stories in The Things They Carried realistically evocative of the Vietnam War. Metafiction is found early in the novel, The Things They Carried. Tim O’Brien, the protagonist of the novel, has many similarities to the author of The Things They Carried. The author and the protagonist both share the same†¦show more content†¦Also, Mitchell Sanders says some of his story is fiction, Last night, man, I had to make up a few things. . . The glee club. There wasnt any glee club. . . No opera,...But, its still true (O’Brien 83-84). The characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction for the same reason Tim O’Brien does, it creates realistic feelings and sensations about what truly happened. Rat Kiley is able to get his message and the truth across while telling lies because he creates the sensation of what happened. This is the same with Mitchell Sanders, the story is exaggerated but the feelings are true. Characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction to get the real truth about what happened during the Vietnam War. In the chapter â€Å"Good Form,†Tim O’Brien explains the difference between the â€Å"story truth†and the â€Å"happening truth,†(O’Brien 179) The â€Å"happening truth†is a historically accurate summary and told without feeling, while the â€Å"story truth†is told with details and is a dramatization. The â€Å"happening truth†tells while the â€Å"story truth†shows. This example of metafiction shows that sometimes the t ruth cannot be told by facts, it has to be demonstrated through a series of exaggerations to get the realShow MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried Literary Analysis1756 Words  | 8 PagesIn â€Å"The Things They Carried†Tim O’Brien relies heavily on lists as a literary device. O’Brien focuses on three distinct types of lists. These lists include military equipment, personal items and emotional or psychological strain. The lists serve a higher purpose, O’Brien uses these lists to introduce each character in the story and give the reader insight into what mattered most to each of the men. 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Nature holds the ability to tattoo our minds, we can learn about ourselves, and our interactions, by observation. The organic qualities of these poems are depicted, with the use of literary devices such as imagery and Tone. Nature is the underlying theme to both poems; however, they differ in that Thurston’s, River otters at play, is centered on unprincipled laws relating to love and communication. In contrast, to river otters at play
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