Sunday, May 17, 2020
Bipolar Disorder Depression And Mania Essay - 2094 Words
Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that is also known as manic depression. The term â€Å"bipolar†can be separated to find its definition. Bi- meaning two, and –polar meaning two opposing poles. Signifying the 2 polar opposites of depression and mania. Its first appearance in the American Psychiatrist Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), was in its 3rd revision of 1980. There are three types of Bipolar disorder: bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, and cyclothymic disorder. This disorder is important because everyday many untreated people struggle with it due to a lack of information on this given subject. It s history, symptoms, and treatments will be discussed in the following pages. History The first signs of Bipolar disorder fate back to the 1st century. Araetaeus of Capadociamade notes that linked mania and depression together in Greece. However his researched went unnoted for many centuries. In. Ancient Greek and Roman times â€Å"mania and melancholia†, today known as manic and depressive, were attitudes that were beginning to be studied. At the same time as Araetaeus, Greek philosopher Aristotle acknowledged melancholy as a condition, but he also thanked it for being a source of inspiration for the artists who lived in his time. Also, people around the world would be executed for having any mental condition or disorder, including bipolar disorder. Religious dogma made people believe that anyone with mental conditions were possessed byShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Mental Disorders1249 Words  | 5 PagesBipolar Disorder, also known as manic/depressive disorder once was a disorder that carried a severe societal stigmatism. It now has carries less sti gmatism but is a disorder which has become difficult to diagnosis and extremely prevalent in today’s society. Due to the manic characteristic of the disorder it differentiates itself from the typical form of depression. 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